Let’s Spread JOY and LOVE Today

Drop the last pic you took with your baby (or babies) below!👇🏼 I can't wait to see the cuteness!

Life is so incredibly short and precious. I can’t stop thinking about how EVERY single second we have on this Earth is sacred, yet so many people wake up dreading their day and routine. Wishing away the minutes of their lives.

I get it because that was ME not long ago.

Yeah, I could’ve stuck with my traditional 7-4 job, but that confinement in life just wasn’t for me. I dreaded Mondays and longed for Fridays.

My Monday mornings now go like this:

  • video chat with my business bestie (who happens to live in France)
  • workout with my baby girl
  • breakfast with my baby girl
  • naptime HUSTLE
  • then we play and work, play and work for the rest of the day


That’s a LOT different from what my Monday mornings USED to look like as a teacher in the rat race of waking up, getting us both ready, rushing to drop her off with family, rushing to work, carrying 8.3 million bags, pumping during every break, and not coming up for air until I went to bed at night. Wishing away the minutes of the week. 😭

Ya feel me?!

I get it. Some people are totally fine with that rat race…and I’m not judging anyone. ✋🏼

But for me, that shiz just didn’t work. I realized that working just to pay bills and then die was NOT for me. Hating the majority of my week was NO way to live.

So with hella fear, I jumped into something that I saw others have success with…because I thought, “if they can, why can’t I?” I was drawn to this gig by the possibility of creating the freedom and happiness I saw in their posts. ✨

And I did it. I created massive success in an incredibly short period of time.

And now MY time is MY time and I savor every second of EVERY precious day. And I hope that my posts inspire some of you to realize that you CAN do this too. ✨

I’m super passionate about teaching other women to do exactly what I’ve done and I feel that I have an OBLIGATION to share this with ladies like me.

So if you’ve been curious about what I do, how I provide for my family through this lifestyle coaching gig, and how I can mentor you to do the same, then please join my obligation-free info group to learn more.

Things kick off today. Join here if you want to learn more about who I’m looking to take under my wing this month and how you can LOVE every second of your life too >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/120452931974393/

And most importantly, choose joy and squeeze the ones you love today.