The 3 Cs in life: Choice, Chance, Change

✨You must make the CHOICE to take the CHANCE if you want anything in life to CHANGE.✨

The hubby's in Cali at a conference this week, so I drove back home to be with family!

Seeing London play with her great grandma on a random Wednesday morning is everything ❤️

If I hadn't made the choice to take a chance at this lifestyle coaching gig, nothing would have changed. I'd still be bound to a j-o-b, missing my girl something fierce, overweight, living paycheck to paycheck, and missing these precious moments.

✨But I put on my big girl pants, made the choice to take a chance and everything changed. ✨

So if you have a chance to do something big, make the choice to go for it. Life is too short to not love EVERY second of it. ❤️
